Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dia Del Patrimonio

October 4th 2008

This is the day when Montevideo finally gets transformed into a tourist city by its native inhabitants. Its so cool because we can walk around with our cameras and suddenly we blended in with the inhabitants. I really enjoyed the Dia del Patriomonio; it was a great opportunity to see a lot of different sides of Uruguayan culture at once. I thought it was cool how everyone in the city went out acted like tourist taking pictures going to museums and celebrating their culture. As a foreigner I was able to experience the various aspects of the culture. I loved the enthusiasm showed by everyone. I visited the Teatro Solis on Saturday. It was beautiful and actually much smaller than I expected but the inside was nothing like what I imagined. It reminded of Phantom of the Opera the way the box seats went up the stairs and the designs were out of this world. I got to go inside of Club Uruguay, it was really neat they had a bunch of the students' and the professors' art displayed inside. The top floor consisted of several ballroom floors, which were absolutely beautiful. Also on the top floor was a balcony, which overlooked the plaza, the view of the festivities, the feria, and the cathedral was stunning. Overall this was a great

weekend. I was able to buy a lot of presents for people back at ACU and practice my Spanish a bit. It was great how everyone got louder and celebrated their history by having ferias and performances in the street. I felt like was able to see a whole new side of Uruguay.


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